Thursday, December 20, 2007

When Christmas is around the corner

Resuming blogging after more than a year, but with no guarantee that I will be writing anything again within the next 12 months! You can guess how consistent and persistent I am from just this one line, can't you? But anyway, the blog is not about my qualities. It's about my thoughts. So here I am, albeit a year older since I last typed random ramblings in this place, but no more coherent in terms of thinking and typing weird things! Well...

Anyway, coming back to what I thought I would write today. Today - 20 Dec 2007 - just 4 days away from Christmas Eve - I am sitting in front of a 21" TFT monitor, connected to a Dell Intel Pentium 4 machine, running Windows 2000, with somewhat good hardware configuration like 768 MB RAM so that I can run the needed set of applications without much headache, and having no interest to do other things (for which this machine has been given to me - i.e., office work!) writing this post. The sky outside is dull. It has been dull since last 3 weeks now I guess (memory fades away when nothing changes, you see). If you get to see a brief spell of sunshine, consider yourself lucky - that's how it goes in here. And it's chilly - enough to rattle your bones together so that you neighbour can hear the clicking noise. It varies though, between -10 and -1. The websites claim that the highest temperature during the day is about +3. But I don't believe them. It feels like you cannot even believe that it's ever going to change - this weather! And it's just 20th of December.

Day before yesterday a portion of the pool in front of the office froze over with a thin icy surface that didn't even got the white it wished for. And we threw stones to gage the strength. Small stones didn't do the trick. But a medium sized one, thrown with some downward vector force, finally cracked the ice. And today when I came in, I saw stones of the size of ones head are now lying on the middle of the pool (boys will be boys). The pavement was looking like the icing on a cake you'd love to order. And was sleepery like hell! (And, no, I did not fall ;-)

And crossing all these, once you reach office, you see almost all the people are on vacation, or in the mood of the same. Work is taking smaller strides, and talks are taking leaps abound. And I, among the midst of many unlike, am sitting here and thinking what to do on the Xmas Day when there won't be a single means of public transport available! Well, yes I have some movies in stock that I can watch, or, even better, chores like cleaning the house for a change - but I can't help envy the guys who would be roaming around Europe (may the cold of Alps smite them!) or the guys who will be drunk like sailors (may their hangover become a headache next day morning!).

Enough rambling - and outside it's now almost dark. Clock is ticking towards the hour I get up, switch off the monitor, and head home. A post a day while you manage your way through the tasks and meetings and emails is not a bad hit-rate. But a post should not be just for writing a post's sake. And I did just that! A post should have some value - some story to tell or some message to pass. Let me go back and think whether in the next post I would be able to do so. Or should I... delete this blog... err, never mind... will keep the blog... and will ramble on.

Till that time, read some good books, eat cookies, watch some nice movies and keep smiling.

Ciao, G.



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